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Project Guidelines 'A' Level
A Level Project Submission
A guide for 'A' level should be a person with DOEACC 'B' level or equivalent qualification and adequate experience in the area in which the student has chosen the Project. In case of a candidate from an accredited institute, the Institute concerned will render all help including the nomination of the supervisor.
Time of Submission of 'A' Level Project
A Level student can submit the project only after clearing 5 papers and appearing in remaining papers in the next examinations. At 'A' Level there is one project. 100 marks are assigned. The project has to be submitted along with a fee of Rs 500/- and a certificate is to accompany it. A viva-voce will be conducted by an expert nominated by the DOEACC Society, as far as possible near the candidate's location.
A Level
Projects would be approximately 350 man-hours and carries a total of 100 marks (80 % for the project evaluation and 20 % for viva-voce.
Some important notes while preparing the project proposal
The following suggested guidelines may be followed in preparing the Final Project report.
Good quality white executive bond paper A4 size should be used for typing and duplication. Care should be taken to avoid smudging while duplicating the copies.
Submission of the Project Report to DOEACC
The student will submit his / her project report in the prescribed format along with requisite fee. The Project Report should include:
  • Original copy of the approved Synopsis [for B & C Level]
  • One hard Copy of the Project Report [for A, B, & C Level]
  • Soft copy of Project on Floppy / CD
  • The Project Report may be about 50 pages (excluding coding).
Fees :
A / B1 : A fees of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) should be remitted to DOEACC Society by Demand Draft in favour of DOEACC payable at New Delhi.
Format of the Student Project Report on Completion of the Project.
Cover Page as per format at Annexure IV (b)
Certificate of the project guide / Center Manager Annexure III
Certificate of the Company / Orhanisation ( for direct candidates).
Synopsis of the Project - B & C level only.
Main Report
- Objective & Scope of the Project.
- Theoretical Background
- Definition of Problem
- System Analysis & Design vis-a-vis User Requirements
- System Planning (PERT Chart)
- Methodology adopted, System Implementation & Details of Hardware & Software used.
- System Maintenance & Evaluation
- Cost and benefits Analysis.
- Detailed Life Cycle of the Project - ERD, DFD
- Input and Output Screen Design
- Process involved
- Methodology used for testing
- Test Report, Printout of the Report, Printout of the Code Sheet.
- User / Operational Manual - including security aspects, access rights, back up, controls, etc
1. Brief background of the organisation where the student has developed the project.
2. Data Dictionary.
-- This should give a catalogue of the data elements used in the system / sub system developed.
-- The following are the details required. Write NA if NOT applicable:
-- a Data Name
-- b Aliases if any
-- c Length ( size )
-- d Type, Numeric , Alpha, Binary etc.
3. List of abbreviations, Figures, Tables.
-- Bibliography
-- Website
5. Soft copy of the project on CD / Floppy.



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Last updated  May 10, 2007